3T Warrior Academy
What you resits will persist! Coach JV & Waters Above Live Chat...
They are all part of this game! "innocent people lives will be ruined
Bear Independent
BIS "Bank for International Settlements"
Digital currencies and the soul of money
Speech by Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, Goethe University's Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) conference on "Data, Digitalization, the New Finance and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Future of Banking and Money", 18 January 202
Speech by Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, Goethe University's Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) conference on "Data, Digitalization, the New Finance and Central Bank Digital Currencies: The Future of Banking and Money", 18 January 202
Blockware Intelligence
Bitcoin On-Chain Analysis: Following Long-Term Holders
Bitcoin On Chain Analysis: Following Whales
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts. “There are no Governments”
Chris Taylor (Financial Fitness)
- From making life-changing body transformations to learning what is going on with our world regarding finances and news.
- Youtube
Corbett Report, The (Are YOU a Global Shaper?)
- Bitchute - iHeart - Minds - Podcast - Website
- Listen to this first CLICK HERE ...AND... Joe Rogan Shut Down!
Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum a/k/a WEF "Klaus Schwab" "Davos" "IMF" "World Bank" "Unicef"
Corey's Digs
Crazy 4 Cryptos (Dave)
Crypto Crow (Jason Appleton)
- CryptoCrow.io - Facebook - Telegram - Twitter - Youtube
Dan Morehead
- Dan Morehead is the CEO of Pantera Capital, an investment firm focusing on digital currencies and blockchain, and specializes in macro trading and in the digital asset space.
Darren Moore Jr
David Morgan
Dr. Robert Malone
- Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines; world-wide expert in RNA technologies RW Malone MD, LLC, The Unity Project and The Malone Institute. MD, MS, GCSRT Harvard
- Linkedin - Twitter Search - Website
Dutchsinse (Mike)
- Educational - Facebook - Instagram - Linkedin - Twitter - Website/Cryptocurrency/Search - Youtube
Force Thirteen : Earthquakes
Full Spectrum Survival
Gina Maria Colvin Hill
Gregory Mannarino
- Twitter - Youtube
Israeli News Live
Jeff Berwick
- Facebook / Google+ / Wikipedia / Youtube
- Anarchast
- The Dollar Vigilante
- Anarchapulco
- Anarchast - Facebook
- Cryptopulco
- Bitcoin Basics - A Guide For CryptoCurrency Newcomers .pdf
- SHEMITAH TRENDS - The plot to enslave humanity, and how to find freedom .pdf
- Taxation Is Theft and How To Become a Prior Taxpayer (PT) With Jeff Berwick on Reluctant Prepper
Jim Rickards
- Agora Financial - Twitter - Website - Youtube
- Jim Rickards sits down with Shae Russell to discuss inflation, interest rates, and why you need to have some gold in your investment portfolio.
- Jim Rickards is an American lawyer, economist, investment banker, speaker, media commentator, and New York Times bestselling author on matters of finance and precious metals.
- He was the principal negotiator of the rescue of Long-Term Capital Management by the US Federal Reserve in 1998. His clients include institutional investors and government directorates.
- He is the author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis, The New Case for Gold and “The New Great Depression, Winners and Losers in Post-Pandemic World”.
- Learn about Jim Rickards' prediction of The Long COVID Decade and get a copy of his eBook The New Great Depression here: https://pro.fattailir.com.au/m/1818063
John Vallis - Bitcoin Rapid-Fire
- Anchor - Apple Podcast - CharTable - Google Podcast - Hive - Instagram - Linkedin - ListenNotes - Medium - Muck Rack - Otonal - Podbay - PodChaser - Reddit - Spotify - Stitcher - Twitter - Value of Bitcoin - Youtube - Youtube Playlist
KIFS Crypto
- Instagram - Twitter - Youtube - Youtube Playlist
Kyle Bass
- Kyle Bass is CIO & Founder of Hayman Capital Management and a hedge fund manager known for thinking outside-the-box, inspired the Big Short and hosts The Kyle Bass Interviews on Real Vision.
- As Markets Thrive, Famed Hedge Funder Kyle Bass Expects Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin to Make Explosive Moves
Lark Davis
- Facebook - Twitter - Youtube - Youtube Playlist
Litecoin Lisa
- Odysee - Pilled - Twitter - Youtube - Youtube Playlist
Lucky Dame Preparedness
- Bitchute - Facebook - Gab - Rumble - The Jericho Report - Twitter - Website - Youtube - Youtube Favorites List
Mati Greenspan
- Google Search - Linkedin - Twitter - Youtube - Youtube Search
- Quantum Economics (Founder): Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Website
Northshore Preparedness
Patrick Bet David
Peter Schiff
- Euro Pacific - Europac - Facebook - Instagram - SchiffGold - The Peter Schiff Show - Twitter - Youtube
Pinball Preparedness
Pro Coin News
RICE TVx (Chris Rice)
Rick Rule
- Rick Rule is the CEO & Founder of Sprott US Holdings Inc. and highly renowned and seasoned investor, specializing in the natural resource and precious metals space, especially gold.
Robert Kiyosaki
- Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki https://www.facebook.com/RobertKiyosaki
- Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki https://twitter.com/theRealKiyosaki
- Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki https://www.instagram.com/therealkiyosaki/?hl=en
- Youtube: The Rich Dad Channel
- (800) 317-3905
- https://www.richdad.com
Robert Kiyosaki - "They'll Put Me In Jail For This..."
September 2019 The Shadow Banking System COLLAPSED !!!
Robert Sepehr
Scott McKay "Patriot StreetFighter"
Shawn Hackett
- Printed Publications - Facebook - Linkedin - Twitter - Website - Youtube
- Casey Seymour: Youtube
- Listen to Shawn's interview on the Grande Solar Cycle Minimum Weather Volatility Expansion Interview-What to Expect in the Years Ahead - Podcast #1
- Listen to Shawn's interview on the Grande Solar Cycle Minimum Weather Volatility Expansion Interview-What to Expect in the Years Ahead - Podcast #2
- Facebook - Instagram - Magnetic Reversal - Observatory Project - Observer Ranch - Quake Watch - Space Weather News - Youtube - Website
- WindMaps: https://www.windy.com/?28.017,-82.136,5 ...and... https://earth.nullschool.net
- The Sun: https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data ...and... https://www.helioviewer.org ...and... https://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/data/Theater ...and... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAhqjpAI_0E
- GOES Satellites: https://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/ramsdis/online/goes-16.asp
- Earthquakes: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=16.88866,-140.88867&extent=55.02802,-49.04297
Big Burb - Youtube
THE Earth Disaster DocumentarySigns of the Pole Shift | Magnetic Field, Lightning, People
THE Earth Disaster Documentary
This is John Williams
Youtube Channel 1: Personal Finance ~ Business ~ and Real Estate
Youtube Channel 2: Real Estate ~ Finance ~ Youtube
Youtube Channel 2: Real Estate ~ Finance ~ Youtube
- Youtube 1 - ThisIsJohnWilliams
- Youtube 2 - ThisIsJohnWilliams Show
- Youtube - WizKid - Fun Learning Videos For Children
Learn from John
Florida Real Estate About to FLIP
Staged Housing Bubble! |
The Great Reset | The Plan To Seize Private Property (New Law)
Two Preachers, The
Urban Farmer Curtis Stone
WatersAbove Crypto
Ryan Hall, Y'all |
- Bitchute - Everipedia - dprogram - Facebook - Gab - Google+ - Instagram - Me - NewsVideo - Player.fm - PodBean - similarweb - Social Blade - spreaker - stats.video - statsheep - Steemit - Steemkr - Stitcher - Twitter - yousubtitles - Website - Youtube
Zeihan on Geopolitics
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Zero Hedge
Flood Map
- Altcoin Buzz - Benjamin Cowen - Bloomberg - Boxmining - Coinbase - Crypto Daily - Crypto Tips - Crypto Zombie - DataDash - EllioTrades Crypto - Hashoshi - Ivan on Tech - Morning Invest - Nathaniel Whittemore - Savvy Finance - Sheldon Evans - Son of a Tech - Stansberry Research - TheChartGuys - The Economist - The Moon - VoskCoin - Wallstreet Journal - What Bitcoin Did .............(Benzinga) - Nicholas Veniamin - Sin City Outdoors
- Patrick Lancaster ~ Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill) / Twitter - Youtube
- Major News Network
- Jonathan Kleck - Warrior For Christ - Cory Barbee - Warrior For Christ Radio - Klick Files